Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

My name is Brittany Parrott and this is a true story about my trip when Hurricane Rita was coming torward us. At the time I was living in Kountze, Texas when I found out that it was a manditory evacuation for hurricane Rita. My mom didn\'t wont to leave so I called my Grandma Kelley and asked if I could go with them. She loves me so she picked me up at almost 11o\'clock that night when it schould only take like thirthy minuntes when she left at 9:30. I evacuated to Longview, Texas where I stayed at the Contessa Inn, the people their were nice at first but soon they became rude, because we stayed their for two and a half weeks. When I came back there was like nothing left and it was so devastaing that it made me cry. Luckly for me their was nothing wrong with my house except that my mom left the windows open and water got in, because if she didn\'t it would\'ve busted them. I now live in Vidor with my grandma and luckly for her she did have a tree on her house but it didn\'t hurt it.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 19, 2024,
