Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

During the evacuation my family and I evacuated to my unlces summer house in Leona, Texas. We stayed in a 2 bedroom trailer with 32 people! My family along with several other families had to sleep outside most of the time we were there so we had enough of all of the fighting and sleeping outside so we went to Austin with my aunt for a week. When we got there we couldnt believe the way they treated us. Free food, cheaper admission to movies or other public places. We just felt very cared for. But when we left for home and saw the damage of what the hurricane did to our small town. There were houses blown over, trees blown down, thousands of trees everywhere. There was no air conditioner. We took baths in peoples pools that havnt arrived home yet. It was very miserable and stressful.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
