Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

It all started when I was at school and found out that there was going to be a hurricane that was going to hit Vidor. Well that was the first time that I had heard about the hurricane. I was go happy just because I was told that school was going to let out for the rest of the day which was a Wed. and would resume on Monday. Just because nothing like that ever happens in Vidor not knowing that we would come back to school a month later. My dad works at Exxon mobile they told him that his crew might of 190 people have to stay there and ride the storm out. I was so upset by this time just because everyone as putting wood on there windows and lines for gas and food were from here to New York if you even got any. was Thursday now and we still haven\'t left just because my mom didn\'t want to leave my dad behind and he didn\'t know if he could leave until his boss told him to. We got a phone call that night telling dad that they were going to close the plant down and he could leave if he wanted to. And we did,mom had he car packed since Wed. night but I have a very large family like I have 15 aunts and uncles and 35 cousins and we all left from the hurricane together. We all went up to the out skirt of Tyler, Texas which is about 5 to 6 hours away. My great grandma and papa live up there so we all stayed there for a week or so and it just got so crazy. Having that many people in one house my family was all over the floor and the house was a 2 bed room house so my dad and my uncles all went out and rented a house that was a 7 bed room house it worked out perfect and it wasn\'t really that much it was only $500 a week. But with my parents they only had to pay like $100 when it was spilt up. But we had so much fun when we were there, we went swimming alot also shopping.But the only thing that really sucked was that I had to spend my 16TH BIRTHDAY THERE!! But I wouldn\'t have it any other way but with my family we all went out to eat and shopping and to a movie. But we mad to best of it. But when we got home, we live in a brick home and my room and my sisters room was the only rooms that got water damage and my house had no tiles. But we are still trying to get it back the way it was. But on the other hand one of my uncles and aunts got a tree right through there house and had to buy a mobile home to live out off just until it got back the way it was. and there still living in it. I hope that nothing like this ever happens to any one else just because it sucks so bad I haven\'t sleept in my own bed in like 8 months I can\'t wait until it all gets back together. But no one got hurt and everything that was messed up can be replaces I\'m blessed that god was with us the hole time and watched out for us.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
