Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Well, 3 days before the hurricaen hit, my parents weren\'t really sure what we were going to do. Well, we talked it over for about a day then finally we caem to the decision that we were going to head to Jasper and stay with some family members up there. Well, those plans were messed up because that night we were all gonna leave together but my family member decided to leave later than us.. so as we were driving to jasper we got caught in traffic for like 2 hours and we had only been driving for like 25 minutes before we hit that traffic. So we decided to stop at a friends house who was on our way and stay there for a little while until the traffica got un stopped. We ended up staying there until 1 that morning then we finally got back on the road again. It took us 3 hours to get to a camping place so we can stay the night. Well, we finally got there and set up a tent and stayed the nrest of the night. We were going to just stay there and ride the hurricane out but the widns strated blowing really bad. So we packe dup what we could as fast as we could and left. Earlier that day some people said that there was a church that we could stay at if we needed to go somewhere else. well, us not really caring what those people had to say didn\'t here the name of the church. so we were basically riding aroudn like chicken with there heads cut off because we didnt knwo what to do. Finally we stopped at a church and called 9-11. Like they could really do anything. But they told us to head back into Jasper(which we were about 2 miles out of by then) and find the church(which I dont member the name right now) but to find it and go stay there. Well, we did what we could but we coudlnt find the church that they were talking about. After riding looking for it we stopped at another church that had a huge owning on it and we were talking to my brother who was fallign us the whole way and he told us that his car was runnign out of gas. By the time my brother told us that we couldnt leave to go anywhere because the winds were so strong. so bascially I rode the hurricane out in a little toyota truck which was moving back in forth with the wind under the owning of a church. when we came back the next day it was like someone had dropped a bomb on Vidor. I so didn\'t exsoect it to be like it was. I lost my house and a few other things. I really hope nothign like this happens again.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024,
