I Taste Consumers Lodged In The Esophogus Of Collective Us


Hellicane: Poets Respond to Hurricane Katrina

I taste consumers\r\nlodged in the esophogus\r\nof collective us,\r\nvomit slicks ensue,\r\nurging the children\r\nto remark\r\n\"mommy, look at all\r\nthe pretty colours\"\r\njust as a vagrant\r\ndog smells and then\r\nsubsequently\r\nurinates in our\r\nenergy reserves\r\nas confidently\r\nas an oil CEO\r\nannouncing\r\n4th quarter earnings\r\nat a news conference\r\nfollowed by\r\nterminally ill\r\njournalists\r\nvomiting\r\nquestions all\r\nover the front\r\nof the oily\r\nman dress\r\nfollowed by a\r\nsense of dissapointment\r\nwhen the consumers\r\nlearn that they\r\ncould have paid\r\nto witness it.\r\n\r\nThe puddles turn\r\ninto lakes, the\r\npast participle of\r\nurbanization, and\r\ndilute our reserves\r\nuntil the nation\r\nfaints, the collective bloodless\r\ndrain another victim dry.



“I Taste Consumers Lodged In The Esophogus Of Collective Us,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/26291.