Every year we prepared ourselves for the big hurricane, hoping that the hurricane will turn and go some where else. In Aug. of 2005 we as a family decided to pack our things and head for Houston before the big one would hit. Our family was very prepared for the storm, boarding the windows and leaving two days before the storm hit. We had at least ten cars of family members and prepared ourselves for a long ride.\r\n\r\nBeing pregnant and running from the storm was not something that I was prepared for. I was 7 months pregnant and very miserable sitting in a car for almost 14 hours. When we finally arrived at the hotel at least 10 people were assigned to one room, and we had 4 rooms. As Katrina approach Louisiana we had no idea that the damage would be so devastating. Seeing the news was like watching and listening to something of a different country. I was so worried that our home had been destroyed, and that we would also come home to just a slab of cement.\r\n\r\nThe hotel soon became a home for our family. Cramped, frustrated, and worried the hotel was home for us for about two weeks.When we were finally allowed to go home, our family\'s were fortunate not to have a lot of damage. There were many tree\'s and power lines down, but when I thought about what the city of New Orleans would be faced with ,our damage was very minimal.\r\n\r\nWhen we finally arrived home, the house was in good condition with the exception of no light, water, and spoiled food in the refigerator. We immediately begin cleaning the yard and home trying to get things back to normal. I never thought that I would be so happy to come home, especially when some people did not have a home to return to.\r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/31733.
