A Place To Call My Own\r\nFinally, there is no one nagging me about cleaning the dishes, picking up my things, or yelling because I\'m home too late. I am finally free to do what I want when I want. I am able to decorate the living room to my leisure. I can leave my shoes in the living room for as long as I want. I can sit on my sofa and watch television until morning. I can play the stereo as loud as I want without someone telling me to turn it down. \r\n After looking for a place to call home for three months, I finally found what I thought was the right one. It seemed to be just right. The neighborhood is not overpopulated; in fact I only have two neighbors. It has been almost two months since I moved out of my parent\'s house. I went from living in a large two-story house to a house a quarter of the size, but it doesn\'t matter, I am parent-free. I can do things on my own time now. I now live in the city five minutes from school where before it took me an hour to get to class. \r\n Pre-Katrina the neighborhood was a friendly safe place, but post-Katrina I\'ve learned of a different story. We all hear of robberies happening to others and try to be extra careful. I\'ve learned that you can\'t be extra careful. My house was broken into the second day of my first week at school. It was noon when the robbers kicked down my front door. None of my neighbors were home and neither was my roommate, or I thankfully. the house was just starting to come along. It was just starting to look like an actual home and starting feeling like home. We had just spent the Sunday before putting pictures on the walls and setting up the new big screen TV. Our sofa was coming that Friday. It was finally coming together, that is until our door was busted down. \r\nI am now moving out of my place that I was trying to call home for almost two months. I feel unsafe and scared just walking into the house. It scares me to know that a stranger was in my home going through my things. I know I won\'t be able to sleep at that house ever again. I am now currently in the process of moving back to my parents house, an hour from school. It\'s a sad thing that a place that use to be so loved and safe is a place of hate and dishonest thieves. \r\n


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/31734.
