My story is similar to that of the rest of the country. I\'m not from New Orleans. I watched Hurricane Katrina from my living room for two weeks straight. I was gripped with horror, desparation, and an overhwelming sense of sadness. I cried uncontrollably at times. I was filled with rage at the failure of a supposedly competent local, state, and federal government. \r\n\r\nI moved from the midwest to New Orleans in January of 2006. I wasn\'t forced to evacuate. I didn\'t lose my home, property, or family. But I certainly had a \"Katrina Experience\". Everyone did. This event in part prompted my move to New Orleans. I just had to be there. I had to be a part of a rebuilding effort of something bigger than myself. I have never lived in a pre-Katrina New Orleans. I only know what it\'s like after the storm. That\'s part of the story. We must move forward and make this city great.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
