What happened to the older people in the city? My grandparents who lived by Baptist hospital when the storm came through could tell you the answer to that question. In the days after the storm, as my grandpa would tell me, a boat with some policemen would pass and ask them to leave and they would say no we\'re ok and the policemen would say back ok for now but look we are going to come back and get yall. After all the rift raft left the convention center is when the move of the elderly of New Orleans happened. My grandparent\'s road in a boat from their house to canal street and then in an air boat from canal to the convention center from there they were picked up in a helicopter and brought to the airport and taken to Stone Georgia and put up in a bed and breakfast type of hotel. For two people that never took a vacation they had the time of there life\'s.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 19, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43217.
