i believe the media coverage n hurricane katrina was well covered although they some how left the president out. the government i believe did a horrible job of helping the people of louisiana. the people were not given a proper evacuation plan. everyone was unprepared and you would think our government would have some back up plan for a state that is below sea level and in hurricane alley. the canals i hear were built poorly and that they were built without factoring in hurricans. i really hope that the government will think about these things to prevent the lost of american lives. i understand that louisiana is home to many families but i hope they think twice before moving back. i have recently heard people are rebuilding their homes. i believe that there should be some kind of restuction of the land in louisiana or that the government should not let people move back til things are entirely fixed no matter how log it takes. we need to assure the lives of american families.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/4405.