Hurricane Katrina did not have a direct affect on my life but it did have an indirect affect. I have seen many hurricanes throughout my life and did not actually think one could do so much damage and have a big enough affect on the United States. When Katrina hit, I saw a change in the way Americans view “attacks” on the United States even if it was a national disaster compared to a terrorist attack. I’ve noticed that some people take for granite how safe this country really is compared the other parts of the world and they don’t see how fragile we really are until something like Katrina hits. I am sure there could have been more that the government could have done to prepare for the disaster but how did anyone know what nature was going to do. I know that since Katrina hit I would much rather have the government over prepare for an “attack”, natural disaster or not, rather than under prepare and have all the casualties that Katrina brought upon the United States. Even though this hurricane was not a good thing, it brought Americans back together, helping and caring about the country which was lost because of all the politics going on with Democrats and Republican. I can only hope people have learned what I did through this, it doesn’t matter what party you are from and how much you debate the little things, attacks to happen and we all need to work together to keep this country a whole.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,