I remember sitting in a hotel room on Baton Rouge watching the images of water enveloping the city. The reports became worse and worse. I felt like I was watching a movie; that it wasn\'t real. I remember feeling that way watching the video footage of those airliners fly into the buildings in New York. I was numb. After the devestation I came back into town as soon as the water was pumped out. We were given special credentials to enter the city because as Entergy employees we had to scout any possible dangers from downed lines and such. I remember riding in a National Guard vehicle with an armed soldier (to fend off any armed wanderers) doing my work and seeing dead bodies still laying out in the open, twisted in fences, and even hanging out of windows. I remember thinking how it loked like a war zone. The strangest thing was there was no life at all. There wasn\'t a bird in the sky. The flood seemed to have literally taken the life from the city- a city so well known for it\'s vibrancy. My thoughts kept coming back to the rich history of this city and whether or not this was the end.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 16, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/44808.