when the news broadcasted the city of new orleans after katrina hit i was in tears. katrina literally gutted new orleans and i blame the entire government system for it. There were remains of bodys left there from when i watched the news a week later, there were unfed children, dying elders, depressed and stressed mothers wondering how will they survive in the blazing heat with no FOOD, WATER, OR SHELTER knowing that the state dome couldnt hold the whole new orleans and it shouldnt have took a phone call, say so, or wink of an eye to get those people from down there. i wish i was in charge of anything pertaining to helping my people because if i knew the storm was coming to days before i would have been making phone calls that day to see how we were going to evacuate as soon as possible but see someone knew and still didnt tell it . im pissed and im sick to my stomach with the people who let this happen to my people, and yes they let it happen because when the hurricane hit while lyndon b johnson was in office the levees broke then. THEN it was time to repair them even better, but instead of protecting our people they tried to save money and patched it up with a bandaid. now the people of new orleans are cut deep and that wound will never heal. im not from new orleans but i feel all their pain because nothing hurts more than to be stripped of your pride, dignity, hope, joy,trustworthiness and people you love in one day. money, power, and religion is tearing this world apart, i never knew greed could have so much control over someone with thier own mind. and im praying not just for blacks but im talkin about every race,sex,origin or whomever was effected by this thing that \"someone\" so called didnt know about but i know and sooner or later the whole world will know the truth behind these bullshit scandals our government has been pulling. i will continue to pray for my people and hope for a better day for them and i want them to know that everything will be okay because the lord will not put anything on you that you cant bare. new orleans will be rebuilt and equipped but it\'ll never be the same. And that is exactly how i feel


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 19, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/5288.