Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

It was Monday and as usual i went ot younglife i got int he vehicle when my parents picked me up and my parens were sayingt hat we have to by evacuation supplies and gas for the vehicles because we might have to evactuate on Wednsday due to a possible hurricane 4 named Rita hitting us head on. So we went ot school until wednsday and they issued a manditory evacuation on Thursday all my friends and I expected to return back to normal life and school the following Monday becasue we had evacuatd before for nothign and came back to normal life...ittle did we know that it would be a little more than a month before we got to see each other, sleep in our own bed or enjoy just school. So we went to the lake where we have a campt here and thought it would be safe enough well we soon found out that the hurricane gained more strenght and it wouldnt be safe to stay in our travel trailor with the speed of the wind. So my mom and dad went up to the local town and found out about a little church and hte elmentry gym was going to be open for shaleter so we went there and stayed thewre throught he storma dn it was very scary you could hear the wind howling and water coming through the roof. After it was dopne we went back to our camp and styaed there for about 4 weeks with no electrcity. we found out tht it was safe to return home so we did and the day we got there the power came back on..but we couldnt stay because our house had two trees on it and was we are living in it but to this day April 12th 2006 our house is still messed up and hurricane season is coming near. This was hte worse experience ever..haveing no wya to get to my friends thinking many nights that all my friends are spread across the US and i may never see some of them again. The thought of not being able to go home and livie in vidor texas again was traggic.. i hope to never experience this again and i never wish no one else will.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024,
