Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

When hurricane Rita hit our are I evacuated with my mom, stepdad, and my little brother. we went to a lake house near Tyler that our aunt had just bought and stayed there with about twenty other family members. it was a big house but there were only two rooms so everyone was on the couches and on air mattresses with some in slleping bags. Even though it was a little crowded i felt very luck to have a nice place to stay with three very good meals a day wih is alot more than some people can say. after a bout a week we went home to no electricity and hardly any people.our house was not damaged at all but our game room had a tree in it. fortunately my mom and dad had come back to all the houses to see the damage and clean out the refigerators so we didnt have any problems with that. after a week we had our lights and hot water back. I am still very thankful that our family and our house made it through Rita okay. we were all grateful.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 23, 2024,
