Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank

Well the day before my familly and I left we had not decided that we would leave but around 2:00pm the next day we decided it was time to go. So we packed up not knowing what we had in store for us. We decided the best place to go would be my aunts place up in sperger, wrong choice,. We stayed there hopeing it wouldn\'t damage the house but when it got later into the night that was the last of our worrys. Around mid night it was starting to get bad and then worse we lokked out to see the barn was about completely distroyed and we couldn\'t get out there to save the horses but then all of a sudden the roof was completly riped off by the wind and rain so about an hour later we were standing in water up to our ancles. After that it started to calm down and we went out side to find that everything was destroyed. The horses were fine they escaped without a problem so aroud 6:00 we decided to go home and only to find that we were the only ones back so I started cleaning my yard and my naghbors yard.


“Online Story Contribution, Hurricane Digital Memory Bank,” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 17, 2024,
