I was a freshman at Jesuit High School in New Orleans when Katrina hit. I remember not even knowing much about it the Friday before. I just thought it was gonna be another hurricane just like the others.\r\n\r\nFast forward 2 days, Sunday, me and my family are leaving at 5 A.M. to rush to Houston because it was going to be a monster. It took us 17 hours to get there. We were staying at a hotel with mostly New Orleans residents. I think in a small way it helped having so many of us there because we kinda were always looking to help each other out even it that meant just talking to each other about it.\r\n\r\nAs soon as the storm was over and we were able to get back into NOLA, my parents and I did. \r\nIt was then I found out my cousin who was an EMT at the time, told us saying he was going to Houston, but stayed in Metairie to be a first responder. That blew me away when I saw him in my neighborhood still out trying to help people.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 19, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43220.
