I remember hearing about Hurricane Katrina two days before it actually hit. I had no idea there was even a Hurricane out there. It all happened so fast. The day we evacuated to Memphis my mom told my step dad, brother, and myself \"Yall I have a feeling this one is going to make history. When your children are in school this disaster will be in textbooks and your children will learn about it.\" We really didn\'t think anything of it when my mom said it because we didn\'t know how bad it actually was. I can still remember my whole family sitting in our hotel room watching the news coverage and all of us crying and wondering if we would have anything to go back home to. That was the worst feeling in the world. My Uncle, who works for Entergy, had to stay back in the city for the storm and we were not able to get in touch with him for days because the cell phone\'s were so bad. We were all so scared to hear the news that our house was gone or our cars would be flooded. We thought for sure everything was gone. Once we were finally able to reach my uncle we learned that everything was okay and the only damage we had was that our garage door was messed up. It was a huge relief for us, but then we realized that even though our personal belongings were fine, our city wasn\'t. New Orleans was our home and if it wasn\'t okay we wouldn\'t be okay. My family and I still live in New Orleans today and would never think twice about leaving this magical place. No matter what happens to New Orleans, it will always come back, stronger.


“[Untitled],” Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, accessed October 18, 2024, https://hurricanearchive.org./items/show/43224.